We believe wholeheartedly in the profound impact and importance of everyone’s personal journey, and the story of change that comes as a result. The inspiring stories of the women who come through our program are many, however today we’re focusing on a most unusual story from a very unlikely supporter of Saint John’s.
Robert has donated to Saint John’s in the past, but it wasn’t until his donation in early February that we took note of his story. Along with his $10.60 donation, 20% of his $53.00 paycheck, an important letter was attached. He spoke passionately about the feeling of doing something important in the world, and his small, but dedicated support to Saint John’s became his one way to contribute positively to society, even while he is so far removed from it. As an inmate of Folsom Prison for the past 25 years, giving to the women and children of Saint John’s gave Robert a sense of purpose in his remote little corner of the world.
Since that letter, Robert donated again in May, and has given a total of $36.20 to the women and children of Saint John’s Program for Real Change. Our CEO, Michele Steeb, made the short drive out to Folsom last month to visit Robert and thank him personally for his support of Saint John’s. She encouraged him on his own journey of change and the new chapters he would soon be writing. After nearly a quarter of a century at Folsom Prison, Robert recently received parole and will be moving back to his native Los Angeles this month. The world in which we live has changed tremendously in the past 25 years, and as exciting as Robert’s new chapter is, it’s equally as daunting – re-entering a world, and a society, in which nothing is familiar. In many ways, it serves as the perfect metaphor for Robert’s new beginning, and the new beginnings of so many families at Saint John’s.
So, today we celebrate change! There is a profound impact that can come from a second chance, a hand up or just time to grow. Robert is representative of so many of us, and serves as a reminder of the perseverance of the human spirit and the potential in everyone we meet.
We are grateful to Robert for finding Saint John’s a cause worthy of his hard-earned money, and for sharing his powerful story with us. What is your story? I’d love to know-share in the comments section below!